April's circle of family and friends invites you to join our community. She is loved beyond measure.
As many of your know, she has been battling throat cancer for quite a while and two days ago endured a 10-hour heroic surgery to remove a large mass in her throat. This also removed her voicebox and requires a trach for the foreseeable future. The amazing physician team at Mass General Hospital feels there are be options for continued treatment to fight this. It is critical she has the best, state-of-the-art care at this pivotal point. As you know housing insecurity has been an issue and we want to be able to take that burden off of her. The recovery is going to be long and she will need ongoing care from nurses, ot's, speech therapists as well as close proximity to her specialists. Our goal is to raise $100k so she has a fighting chance to beat this.
"God Is In The Details, But The Goddess Is In Connections! We Have People Power And We Will Use It!" - Gloria Steinem